

As I approached the wooden table of fine tile,
I faced my opponent, an expert and very able.
Here was someone I hadn’t played in some while.

I had the first move, my color was white.
The king’s pawn is moved to his site
And he responds with an aggressive fight.

Soon the pieces are spread on the board, black here, white there.
And I attack his king with a drawn sword.
But, his forces protect with a castle flair.
This was a move I didn’t expect as I sneaked in from the side.
He was now in the defense mode in order to protect!
I sacrificed a pawn and attempted to hide.

My plan so simple and straight forth, one move to checkmate.
Without a sound he pushed with his entire King’s court
and in less than a wink he had sealed my fate.

I can hardly wait to play him again, I’ll prepare and not slip up.
But, for now my opponent must go to bed and grow to be a man.
A child of 7 skips off to sleep with the chess tournament’s cup.
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