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Here you can play chess online, join in the discussions in our forum, exchange personal messages and become part of our lively chess community. Join one of our online chess clubs and meet like-minded people.

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chessmail chess server

Here you can play chess, learn chess and exchange ideas with other chess friends. You don't have to be a particularly good chess player to take part here - it's enough if you enjoy playing chess or would like to learn chess.

Play chess online

Correspondence chess

As the name suggests, chessmail is primarily aimed at the slow variant of chess, correspondence chess. In correspondence chess, you can think about your next move in peace. Moves are not executed immediately, but only after you have released them. You can first try out different variations on the board and if you like a move, you send it off.

Live chess

If you prefer it a little faster, you can also play live chess here. In live chess, the moves are executed immediately and you only have a limited time to think.

Chess puzzle of the day


We offer

Correspondence chess and live chess, forums with many topics, online chess clubs, online chess tournaments, interactive chess puzzles, an online chess computer, chess mini-games, a chessmail store with chess articles, like T-shirts and last but not least many new chess friends.

chessmail is free of charge

The server is financed by advertising. However, the advertising can also be switched off with a small support contribution of 1 euro per month.

Play on all devices

You can use chessmail with your tablet, mobile phone and desktop computer. The user interface automatically adapts to the screen size.

Further Information

You can find further information about chessmail in our

Help section

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