
Botvinnik missed 34.Qf7+

ketchuplover - 11. Apr '23
vs. Capablanca 1938 Avro
Euphemie - 11. Apr '23
how dare he
Vabanque - 11. Apr '23
I don't know if it is of much use to give a single, isolated move without even presenting a diagram, let alone the whole game.

The game ist one of the greatest of chess history, and the position before the 34th move of white was the following:

Move piece

Chessboard as table

8King Black
7Pawn BlackPawn Black
6Pawn BlackPawn WhiteQueen White
5Pawn BlackPawn Black
4Pawn BlackPawn White
3Queen BlackKnight BlackPawn White
2Pawn WhitePawn White
1King White

Pieces lists

Pieces White

  • King g1
  • Queen f6
  • Pawn g2
  • Pawn h2
  • Pawn c3
  • Pawn d4
  • Pawn e6

Pieces Black

  • King g8
  • Queen a3
  • Knight b3
  • Pawn c4
  • Pawn d5
  • Pawn h5
  • Pawn b6
  • Pawn a7
  • Pawn h7
White to move

I don't know if 34 Qf7+ (suggested by ketchuplover) would have been a better move than 34. e7, the move actually played by Botvinnik, and which was winning. Botvinnik had caclulated it all out till the end, that means he had foreseen the white king can escape the black queen checks.

Here's the whole game:

If a move, here 34. e7, is totally winning, it's not necessary to search for another winning move. So I don't know what the point of ketchuplover's post is.
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